My mom is on the left. We're unsure who her friend was in this photo.

In this photo my mom is on the right.

My mother's high school graduation photo.

Colorized high school photo.

Me, with mom and dad.

Myself, with mom and dad.

Mom introducing my sister, Lazarus.

My mom to the left, holding my sister Lazarus, and I'm the one crying on her side. Also in this photo is my Uncle Victor, my mom's brother, his 1st wife Mia, and their children, my cousins, Nancy in Victor's arms and Lucy standing in front.

My Communion at St. Charles.

My mom, pictured here with her father.

Mom and Dad with my youngest sister, Linda.

Mom, on the left, Lucy, myself and Nancy. Same cousins from earlier photo.
But now we're all grown up, and can drink !

Uncle Victor and Mom.

Recent photo of my mom and her brother Victor, sitting on their old stoop in Brooklyn.

Dad, my youngest daughter Lily and my mom.

Mom and Dad with my son, Matthew when he graduated High School.

Juanita Nazario
Loving Wife & Mother
She will be missed.
12/24/41 - 4/26/19